Population genetics articles within Nature


  • Letter
    | Open Access

    Until now, fully sequenced human genomes of the indigenous hunter-gatherer peoples of southern Africa have been limited to recently diverged populations. The complete genome sequences of an indigenous hunter-gatherer from the Kalahari Desert and of a Bantu from southern Africa are now presented. The extent of whole-genome and exome diversity is characterized; the observed genomic differences may help to pinpoint genetic adaptations to an agricultural lifestyle.

    • Stephan C. Schuster
    • , Webb Miller
    •  & Vanessa M. Hayes
  • Article |

    Local adaptations are often governed by several interacting genes scattered throughout the genome. Here a novel type of multi–locus genetic variation is described that has been maintained within a species over a vast period of time. A balanced unlinked gene network polymorphism is dissected that involves galactose utilization in a close relative of baker's yeast.

    • Chris Todd Hittinger
    • , Paula Gonçalves
    •  & Antonis Rokas
  • Letter |

    If robustness is the opposite of evolvability, we might expect that a robust population would have difficulty adapting to environmental change; however, some studies have suggested that genetic robustness facilitates adaptation. Here, using a general population genetics model, mutational robustness is found to either impede or facilitate adaptation depending on the population size, the mutation rate and the structure of the fitness landscape.

    • Jeremy A. Draghi
    • , Todd L. Parsons
    •  & Joshua B. Plotkin
  • News & Views |

    The giant-panda genome is the first reported de novo assembly of a large mammalian genome achieved using next-generation sequencing methods. The feat reflects a trend towards ever-decreasing genome-sequencing costs.

    • Kim C. Worley
    •  & Richard A. Gibbs