Physical chemistry articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    X-ray diffraction is used to show that the structural distortion of magnetite below 125 kelvin is to a first approximation caused by charge ordering of its constituent iron ions, but that the localized electrons are distributed over three iron sites to form ‘trimeron’ quasiparticles.

    • Mark S. Senn
    • , Jon P. Wright
    •  & J. Paul Attfield
  • News & Views |

    A combination of vibrational spectroscopy and molecular calculations reveals that only the surface layer of water at the interface with air has a distinctly different structure from the bulk liquid. See Letter p.192

    • Pavel Jungwirth
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    Quantum correlations have long been recognized as an informational resource for quantum communication and computation. It now seems that they can also do physical work. See Letter p.61

    • Patrick Hayden
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    Solvent vapour annealing processes are used to optimize the material properties of thin films of semiconducting polymers used in electronic devices. One such process has now been examined at the molecular level.

    • Yi Fu
    •  & Joseph R. Lakowicz
  • Letter |

    Electron microscopy has advanced to the stage where individual elements can be identified with atomic resolution. Here it is shown to be possible to get fine-structure spectroscopic information of individual light atoms such as those of carbon, and so also probe their chemical state. This capability is illustrated by investigating the edges of a graphene sample, where it is possible to discriminate between single-, double- and triple-coordinated carbon atoms.

    • Kazu Suenaga
    •  & Masanori Koshino
  • Letter |

    The development of table-top femtosecond electron diffraction sources in recent years has opened up a new way to observe atomic motions in crystalline materials undergoing structural changes. Here, the technique is used to study the charge density wave material 1T-TaS2, where a modulation of the electron density is accompanied by a periodic lattice distortion. In this femtosecond electron diffraction experiment, where atomic motions are observed in response to a 140 femtosecond optical pulse, the periodic lattice distortion is found to collapse on an exceptionally fast timescale (about 250 femtoseconds), indicative of an electronically driven process involving a highly cooperative process.

    • Maximilian Eichberger
    • , Hanjo Schäfer
    •  & R. J. Dwayne Miller
  • News & Views |

    Do excited molecules relaxing to their ground state pass through a 'seam' connecting the potential energy profiles of the states? Experimental data suggest the answer to this long-standing question is 'yes'. See Letter p. 440

    • Todd J. Martinez
  • Letter |

    The superconducting phase of a superconductor is often one of several competing types of electronic order, including antiferromagnetism and charge density waves. For some superconductors, the superconducting transition temperature can be maximized by forcing the critical temperature of the competing order down to zero. Now, a related effect has been identified in a high-temperature superconductor, with the application of pressure yielding a striking two-step increase in the transition temperature.

    • Xiao-Jia Chen
    • , Viktor V. Struzhkin
    •  & Russell J. Hemley
  • Letter |

    Here, a technically challenging spectroscopic experiment is described: the measurement of the muonic Lamb shift. The results lead to a new determination of the charge radius of the proton. The new value is 5.0 standard deviations smaller than the previous world average, a large discrepancy that remains unexplained. Possible implications of the new finding are that the value of the Rydberg constant will need to be revised, or that the validity of quantum electrodynamics theory is called into question.

    • Randolf Pohl
    • , Aldo Antognini
    •  & Franz Kottmann
  • News & Views |

    The membrane-spanning enzyme known as complex I couples the movement of electrons to that of protons as a way of converting energy. Crystal structures suggest how electron transfer drives proton pumping from afar.

    • Tomoko Ohnishi
  • Letter |

    The physics of thermal diffusion — mass diffusion driven by a temperature gradient — is poorly understood. One obstacle has been that the Soret coefficient (ST, which describes the steady-state result of thermal diffusion) is sensitive to many factors. It is now shown that the difference in ST between isotopes of diffusing elements that are network modifiers is independent of composition and temperature. The findings suggest a theoretical approach for describing thermal diffusion in silicate melts and other complex solutions.

    • F. Huang
    • , P. Chakraborty
    •  & C. E. Lesher
  • Letter |

    In principle, it is possible to simulate some astrophysical phenomena inside the highly controlled environment of an atomic physics laboratory: previous work on the thermodynamics of a two-component Fermi gas (a system suited for such studies) led to thermodynamic quantities averaged over the trap. Now a general experimental method is reported that yields the equation of state of a uniform gas, providing new physical insights and enabling a detailed comparison with existing theories.

    • S. Nascimbène
    • , N. Navon
    •  & C. Salomon
  • News & Views |

    The finding that the normal phase of an ultracold gas of fermionic atoms in the strongly interacting regime is close to a Fermi liquid isn't quite what theorists expected for these systems.

    • Yong-il Shin
  • Letter |

    For the first billion years or so of the Earth's history, there may have been whole-mantle convection, but after this period differentiation of the Earth's mantle has been controlled by solid-state convection. Many trace elements — known as 'incompatible elements' — preferentially partition into low-density melts and are concentrated into the crust, but half of these incompatible elements should be hidden in the Earth's interior. It is now suggested that a by-product of whole-mantle convection is deep and hot melting, resulting in the generation of dense liquids that sank into the lower mantle.

    • Cin-Ty A. Lee
    • , Peter Luffi
    •  & John Hernlund
  • Letter |

    T lymphocytes, which are an integral part of most adaptive immune responses, recognize foreign antigens through the binding of antigenic peptide–major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) molecules on other cells to specific T-cell antigen receptors (TCRs). Using single-molecule microscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer, the kinetics of TCR–pMHC binding are now measured in situ, revealing accelerated kinetics and increased affinity when compared with solution measurements.

    • Johannes B. Huppa
    • , Markus Axmann
    •  & Mark M. Davis
  • Letter |

    Infrared spectroscopy can probe the conditions and compositions of exoplanet atmospheres. Previous results relied on space-based telescopes that do not provide spectroscopic capability in the 2.4–5.2 μm spectral region. Here, ground-based observations of the dayside emission spectrum for HD 189733b are reported between 2.0–2.4 μm and 3.1–4.1 μm; an unexpected feature at around 3.25 μm is found that is difficult to explain with models that assume local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, and is assigned to methane.

    • Mark R. Swain
    • , Pieter Deroo
    •  & Thomas Henning
  • Letter |

    The primary sequence of a protein defines its free-energy landscape and thus determines the rate constants of folding and unfolding, with theory suggesting that roughness in the energy landscape leads to slower folding. However, obtaining experimental descriptions of this landscape is challenging. Landscape roughness is now shown to be responsible for the slower folding and unfolding times observed in the R16 and R17 domains of α-spectrin relative to the similar R15 domain.

    • Beth G. Wensley
    • , Sarah Batey
    •  & Jane Clarke
  • Books & Arts |

    The success of Peter Atkins's classic textbook Physical Chemistry led him to trade research for full-time writing and teaching in the 1980s. In the first of a series of five interviews with authors who each write science books for a different audience, Atkins explains how the rewards for textbooks can be great, but the effort needed can affect your research.

    • Nicola Jones
  • News & Views |

    The thermal process known as Joule heating, which often plagues electronic devices, has been turned to good use: making devices that can produce sound as well as reproduce music and speech.

    • Rama Venkatasubramanian
  • News & Views |

    The use of magnetic fields to assemble particles into membranes provides a powerful tool for exploring the physics of self-assembly and a practical method for synthesizing functional materials.

    • Jack F. Douglas