Ion channel signalling articles within Nature


  • Article |

    The molecular basis of OSCA/TMEM63 channel mechanosensitivity was investigated by determining 44 cryogenic electron microscopy structures of channels in different environments, expanding understanding of channel-mediated mechanotransduction and pore formation, with implications for two protein families.

    • Yaoyao Han
    • , Zijing Zhou
    •  & Yixiao Zhang
  • Letter |

    Osmotic stress is known to induce a transient increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i in plants, and now OSCA1 is identified as a long-sought Ca2+ channel that mediates [Ca2+]i increases—mutants lacking OSCA1 function have impaired osmotic Ca2+ signalling in guard cells and root cells, and reduced transpiration regulation and root growth under osmotic stress.

    • Fang Yuan
    • , Huimin Yang
    •  & Zhen-Ming Pei
  • Letter |

    Primary cilia are known as specialized calcium signalling compartments on the cell surface, but the ionic permeability and other physiological properties of these protrusions are unknown—this is one of two studies identifying the ion channels that densely populate primary cilia, with direct measurements revealing cilia as a unique, functionally independent calcium signalling compartment that modulates hedgehog signalling pathways.

    • Paul G. DeCaen
    • , Markus Delling
    •  & David E. Clapham