Computational science articles within Nature


  • Comment |

    The natural world's interconnectivity should inspire better models of the Universe, says Barry Cooper.

    • Barry Cooper
  • Comment |

    Alan Turing's bridging of logic and machines laid the foundation for digital computers, says George Dyson.

    • George Dyson
  • Letter |

    Affinity tagging, mass spectroscopy and a tailor-made scoring system are used to identify 497 high-confidence interactions between human proteins and human immunodeficiency virus proteins.

    • Stefanie Jäger
    • , Peter Cimermancic
    •  & Nevan J. Krogan
  • Feature |

    Internet-based degree programmes are gaining acceptance, but doubts remain about their suitability for graduate science.

    • Sarah Kellogg
  • Editorial |

    Steve Jobs and Apple revolutionized the way scientists render their work.

  • News Feature |

    By mining a database of the world's books, Erez Lieberman Aiden is attempting to automate much of humanities research. But is the field ready to be digitized?

    • Eric Hand
  • Letter |

    Predicting the structure of a folded protein from first principles for any given amino-acid sequence remains a formidable computational challenge. To recruit human abilities to the task, these authors turned their Rosetta structure prediction algorithm into an online multiplayer game in which thousands of non-scientists competed and collaborated to produce new algorithms and search strategies for protein structure refinement. This shows that computationally complex problems can be effectively 'crowd-sourced' through interactive multiplayer games.

    • Seth Cooper
    • , Firas Khatib
    •  & Foldit players
  • Books & Arts |

    A growing underground art movement combines mathematics, technology, stalks and whimsy. Richard Taylor looks forward to a bumper batch of intricate crop patterns this summer.

    • Richard Taylor