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Cell Biology for Seminars 
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Unit 2:  How Do Cells Decode Genetic Information into Functional Proteins?

How is a cell's genetic information used? Cells archive this information in DNA, which serves as a master set of instructions for building proteins. It is a beautiful system made complex by many levels of control, on-off switches, feedback, and fine-tuning. Segments of DNA are transcribed into RNA, and this RNA is then translated into proteins. The resulting proteins then fold into their three-dimensional configurations and combine with other proteins, or are decorated with sugars or fats to create finely-crafted tools for carrying out specific cellular functions. Protein functions range from structural supports and motors to catalysts of biochemical reactions and monitors of the cell's internal and external environments.

Every step in the protein production pathway can be adjusted up or down as the cell's needs dictate. The ability to carefully regulate transcription, translation, protein folding and modification, and protein function is a feature that makes cells such resilient and versatile life-forms.

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