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    A web focus from Cell Death & Differentiation, Cell Death & Disease, Nature Immunology and Oncogene. We hope you enjoy this focus including work from the world's most recognized experts in the field of Necroptosis.

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    A Web Focus from European Journal of Human Genetics and Oncogene. Next generation sequencing is rapidly pervading all areas of Human genetics: improving speed, precision, and last but not least breadth of diagnostics; opening up new avenues of screening; are screening and testing still different or is there a confluence? In parallel, it profoundly affects basic biology discovery by unravelling mutation mechanisms and causes and consequences in gene regulation and what goes wrong in genetic disease and cancer. Besides many insights, the data deluge also brings questions: on how to handle this, internally and towards the patients; the role of geneticists in the process; how - and if - to integrate direct to consumer services; how to maintain a proper public-private balance to allow therapy development but avoid undue restrictions in data access. Follow the contributions to this debate in European Journal of Human Genetics and Oncogene.

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    The January 2012 special issue presents two important strategies for generating potent and lasting anti-tumor immunity. The first strategy is to subvert immune suppressive networks in the tumor microenvironment. The second strategy is to optimize conventional and anti-biological modalities to directly target tumor and adjacent tumor tissue, and mobilize and expand anti-tumor immunity in the tumor microenvironment which results in tumor eradication. Further background information on this important topic is available through the accompanying web focus which links to related articles from across Springer Nature.

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    The symposium was held at Van Andel Research Institute at Grand Rapids, Michigan and was sponsored by The Foundation for Advanced Cancer Studies, the Van Andel Institute, Michigan State University, and the law firm of Smith Haughey Rice and Roegge.

    Image: luismmolina