Perspectives in 2021

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  • Here, the authors summarize the evidence concerning the neurological health of individuals affected by the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks and present the outcome of a meeting convened by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health that aimed to generate recommendations for future research in this population.

    • Sean A. P. Clouston
    • Charles B. Hall
    • Benjamin J. Luft
  • To date, all phase III trials of β-site amyloid precursor protein (APP)-cleaving enzyme (BACE) inhibitors for Alzheimer disease were either discontinued or produced negative results. Here the authors present their opinion that BACE inhibitors still hold promise as a preventative therapy for Alzheimer disease and outline a series of experiments to inform future trials.

    • Eric McDade
    • Iryna Voytyuk
    • Stefan F. Lichtenthaler
  • The FDA recently granted accelerated approval to aducanumab for the treatment of Alzheimer disease. Here, the authors reflect on the events that led to this controversial approval and consider whether any lessons can be learned for the field.

    • Kathy Y. Liu
    • Robert Howard
  • The AT(N) system is a classification scheme based on biomarkers that reflect the core pathophysiological features of Alzheimer disease. This Perspective outlines the conceptual framework and clinical importance of the AT(N) system and considers its potential expansion to incorporate biomarkers for additional pathophysiological mechanisms.

    • Harald Hampel
    • Jeffrey Cummings
    • Andrea Vergallo
  • In this Perspective, Makhani and Tremlett provide an overview of the evidence for a prodromal phase in multiple sclerosis, discuss possible characteristics and markers of this prodrome, and consider its profound clinical and research implications.

    • Naila Makhani
    • Helen Tremlett
  • Several childhood disorders, including infantile colic and cyclical vomiting syndrome, are thought to be related to migraine. In this Perspective, Gelfand and Abu-Arafeh present evidence for each of these disorders to be considered as part of a ‘childhood migraine syndrome’.

    • Ishaq Abu-Arafeh
    • Amy A. Gelfand
  • In this Perspective, the authors discuss the steps necessary to achieve predictive modelling of neurological diseases with human induced pluripotent stem cells, including applications to diagnosis and prognosis in the context of a precision medicine paradigm.

    • Pia Rivetti di Val Cervo
    • Dario Besusso
    • Elena Cattaneo
  • New tools are being developed for the standardization and digitization of clinical data from patients with multiple sclerosis. In this Perspective, D’Souza and colleagues address the multifaceted impact of these tools on patient care and highlight the challenges and opportunities they create.

    • Marcus D’Souza
    • Athina Papadopoulou
    • Ludwig Kappos