Disease Watch in 2012

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  • Our monthly round up of infectious diseases news, which this month includes a new treatment for amoebic dysentery, a new drug target for cerebral malaria, and a measles outbreak ahead of the Euro 2012 football championship.

    Disease Watch
  • Our monthly round up of infectious diseases news, which this month includes the identification of a new virulence gene that is on the rise in MRSA strains in China, studies describing the emergence and probable genetic basis of artemisinin resistance in malaria parasites in Thailand and an update on the controversial H5N1 influenza virus articles.

    Disease Watch
  • Our monthly round up of infectious diseases news, which this month includes the discovery of a gene that confers susceptibility to influenza A virus, the finding that disturbing the gut microbiota can lead to the development of asthma, and studies on a drug that forces HIV out of latency.

    Disease Watch
  • Our monthly round up of infectious diseases news, which this month includes inhibiting autophagy to target H5N1 influenza, how MRSA gained resistance down on the farm and 're-education' for the boy who cried outbreak.

    Disease Watch
  • Our monthly round up of infectious diseases news, which this month includes the spread of a new virus affecting livestock in Europe, the H5N1 controversy and a report that mortality from malaria may be much higher than was previously suspected.

    Disease Watch
  • Our monthly round up of infectious diseases news, which this month includes announcements by the US FDA regarding the use of antibiotics in livestock and a role for UV radiation in preventing the spread of VZV.

    Disease Watch