Reviews & Analysis

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  • Population screening and endoscopic surveillance are widely used for colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention and early diagnosis. This Perspective explores the rationale for and approach to risk stratification for CRC prevention and diagnosis, including the limitations, advantages and future challenges for this approach.

    • Mark A. Hull
    • Colin J. Rees
    • Sara Koo
  • The global burden of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is evolving. This Perspective summarizes the global epidemiology of IBD and its changing burden of disease, postulating that the disease is evolving into four epidemiological stages: Emergence, Acceleration in Incidence, Compounding Prevalence and Prevalence Equilibrium.

    • Gilaad G. Kaplan
    • Joseph W. Windsor
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) has been suggested as a useful tool for managing patients with inflammatory bowel disease on biologic therapy. This Perspective examines evidence and guidelines related to TDM in inflammatory bowel disease management and also strategies to optimize biologic treatment where TDM is not available.

    • Marjorie Argollo
    • Paulo Gustavo Kotze
    • Geert D’Haens
  • Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has emerged as a successful treatment for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection. In this Perspective, the authors examine the pharmacology of FMT in treatment of C. difficile infection and consider FMT within a pharmacological framework using the parameters intrinsic to all therapeutics: pharmacy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacotherapeutics.

    • Alexander Khoruts
    • Christopher Staley
    • Michael J. Sadowsky
  • Large-scale datasets of increasing size and complexity are being produced in the microbiome and oncology field. This Perspective discusses the potential to harness gut microbiome analysis, big data and machine learning in cancer, and the potential and limitations with this approach.

    • Giovanni Cammarota
    • Gianluca Ianiro
    • Giampaolo Tortora
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in changes to the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, including major disruptions to endoscopy. This Perspective provides a guide and recommendations for inflammatory bowel disease endoscopy during a global health emergency based on expert experience in Italy and France.

    • Federica Furfaro
    • Lucine Vuitton
    • Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet
  • As the number of novel drugs for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) increases, comparison of therapeutic options has become a key challenge in IBD trials. Here, the authors provide an overview of IBD trial design with a focus on comparative research and the head-to-head trials format.

    • Lieven Pouillon
    • Simon Travis
    • Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet
  • The evidence base for robotic gastrointestinal surgery does not yet support its widespread adoption. Here, Kinross et al. discuss this evidence base and the principles on which future gastrointestinal surgical trials should be based, as well as emerging technologies.

    • James M. Kinross
    • Sam E. Mason
    • Ara Darzi
  • This Perspective discusses the use of antidepressants in disorders of gut–brain interaction (DGBI) and IBD, focusing on how what we have learnt about the role of antidepressants in DGBI could help optimize the management of IBD.

    • Antonina Mikocka-Walus
    • Alexander C. Ford
    • Douglas A. Drossman