Reviews & Analysis

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  • Selectionists and neutralists invoke different theories to explain the emergence of evolutionary innovation. Our recent understanding of molecular phenotypes makes it possible to reconcile these two views by proposing that neutral variants prepare the ground for adaptive mutations to occur.

    • Andreas Wagner
  • Current approaches for dissecting complex traits largely ignore epiallelic variation. To overcome this limitation the authors propose a quantitative approach to identifying the dynamic interplay between DNA sequence, chromatin and environmental contributions to the phenotype, across generations and developmental time points.

    • Frank Johannes
    • Vincent Colot
    • Ritsert C. Jansen
  • How did the complex regulatory networks that control eukaryotic gene expression evolve? This article explores evidence that transposable elements played an important part by providing thecis and transcomponents of these networks.

    • Cédric Feschotte
  • The ability to evolve — evolvability — is important in determining the course of evolution. But does evolvability itself evolve, and how should we even agree on a definition of evolvability?

    • Massimo Pigliucci