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  • New developments in genomics require changes in the policies of various government bodies to address the legal and ethical implications of genomics and prioritize research and educational needs. This article surveys the changes that have been and need to be made.

    • Susanne B. Haga
    • Huntington F. Willard
    Science and Society
  • With genetics and genomics moving at such a fast pace it is difficult to know where to find accurate and up-to-date information. This is a guide to online resources about genetics, which are aimed at teachers, students, health professionals and the general public.

    • Susanne B. Haga
    Science and Society
  • The genetic profiling of babies could revolutionize health-care strategies. However, this possibility raises serious issues of consent, confidentiality and discrimination that need to be considered with great care.

    • Brenda Almond
    Science and Society