Perspectives in 2022

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  • In this Perspective, the authors discuss how regulated alternative splicing can generate phenotypic diversity and outline emerging evidence that alternative splicing contributes to adaptation and species divergence.

    • Charlotte J. Wright
    • Christopher W. J. Smith
    • Chris D. Jiggins
  • Commemorating the 200th birthday of Gregor Mendel, Kim Nasmyth reflects on Mendel’s life and legacy and how his work has shaped and defined the field of modern genetics.

    • Kim Nasmyth
  • In this Perspective, Pecori et al. provide an overview of the AID/APOBEC cytidine deaminase family, discussing key structural features, how they contribute to viral and tumour evolution and how they can be harnessed for (potentially therapeutic) base-editing purposes.

    • Riccardo Pecori
    • Salvatore Di Giorgio
    • F. Nina Papavasiliou