Research Highlights in 2019

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  • In a study in Nature Microbiology, Setoh et al. use deep mutational scanning to speed up viral evolution and identify key determinants of host tropism in Zika virus.

    • Dorothy Clyde
    Research Highlight
  • Two studies report substantial temporal and spatial variability in mutagenic signatures caused by APOBEC cytidine deaminases in cancer.

    • Darren J. Burgess
    Research Highlight
  • A study in Nature reveals that N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification of RNA occurs co-transcriptionally and is mediated by interactions between histone H3 lysine 36 trimethylation (H3K36me3) and the m6A methyltransferase complex.

    • Dorothy Clyde
    Research Highlight
  • Nair et al. contrast events at specific super-enhancers after acute and chronic ligand-induced activation and show that biomolecular condensates at these enhancers undergo physical changes over time that affect chromatin conformation and gene expression.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • Two studies in Science show that cytosine base editors, but not adenine base editors or CRISPR–Cas9, induce notable off-target single-nucleotide variants in rice and in mouse embryos.

    • Katharine H. Wrighton
    Research Highlight
  • Three new studies characterize circular RNAs in cancer, with potential functional roles and clinical implications as biomarkers.

    • Darren J. Burgess
    Research Highlight
  • Chromosomal inversions that relocate a limb enhancer establish patterns of asymmetric chromatin contacts, so-called architectural stripes, that result in ectopic gene expression and congenital limb phenotypes, according to a study in Nature Cell Biology.

    • Michelle Trenkmann
    Research Highlight
  • A new technique named ChIA-Drop combines chromatin interaction analysis (ChIA) with droplet-based and barcode-linked high-throughput sequencing to capture multiplex chromatin interactions at the single-molecule level.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • A study published in Nature reports the functional and structural characterization of CasX, an RNA-guided DNA endonuclease with potential for use as a new genome editing platform.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • A new study uses deep learning to predict genetic variants that generate cryptic splice sites and to investigate the role of these non-coding cryptic splice mutations in rare genetic disorders.

    • Dorothy Clyde
    Research Highlight
  • Two studies in Developmental Cell report the generation of mice with longer and shorter than normal tails, respectively, giving insight into developmental programmes and key genes involved in mouse tail development.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • A new study published in Cell uses bacterial genetic screens to identify mutagenic proteins. Overexpression of homologues of these proteins in human cells has similar mutagenic effects and potential prognostic value in cancer.

    • Darren J. Burgess
    Research Highlight
  • The BabySeq project, a pilot randomized clinical trial exploring the value of routine genomic sequencing of neonates compared with standard newborn screening, now reports initial results in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight