Reviews & Analysis

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  • Disruption of the circadian system can alter microbiome communities and can perturb host metabolism leading to the metabolic syndrome. This Perspective discusses the role of intestinal microbiota in mediating the effects circadian dysrhythmia on human health.

    • Faraz Bishehsari
    • Robin M. Voigt
    • Ali Keshavarzian
  • Lipoedema is a disorder characterized by the symmetrical accumulation of mechanically compliant adipose tissue in the proximal extremities. This Perspective article proposes a new mechanism for lipoedema, in which dysfunctional caveolin 1 in adipose tissue becomes uncoupled from key feedback loops with matrix metalloproteinase 14, oestrogen receptor and prospero homeobox 1.

    • Ilja L. Kruglikov
    • Nolwenn Joffin
    • Philipp E. Scherer
  • Osteoporosis interventions are currently recommended in a small proportion of postmenopausal women, of whom ~50% will experience bone fracture. This Perspectives proposes that broader use of generic bisphosphonates would result in reductions in total fracture numbers and suggests that the current bone density definition of osteoporosis requires reappraisal.

    • Ian R. Reid
  • Prediabetes phenotype can influence the effectiveness of lifestyle intervention-based diabetes prevention programmes. This Perspectives suggests that diabetes prevention programmes are not effective in individuals with isolated impaired fasting glucose and calls for further research to improve prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in this population.

    • Matthew D. Campbell
    • Thirunavukkarasu Sathish
    • Robyn J. Tapp