Reviews & Analysis

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  • Targeted agents directed at VEGF and EGFR have become part of the standard treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer; however, only some patients benefit from such treatment. The CAIRO2 and PACCE trials have shown a detrimental effect of adding an anti-EGFR antibody to standard chemotherapy plus bevacizumab. In this Perspective, the authors discuss issues that may explain these unexpected results.

    • Cornelis J. A. Punt
    • Jolien Tol
  • Novel targeted therapies often result in disease stabilization rather than tumor shrinkage, which are reflected by changes in the molecular features of the tumor. Noninvasive procedures to measure such features are urgently needed. The authors of this opinion article discuss the role of PET and its impact on decisions about monitoring of systemic cytotoxic and targeted therapy.

    • Wim J. G. Oyen
    • Winette T. A. van der Graaf
  • The costs associated with innovative cancer therapeutics are excessive, placing a barrier between drug discovery and healthcare. The article discusses several strategies that might be effective in reducing the escalating costs and their impact on innovative cancer drug discovery.

    • Nafees N. Malik