Timeline in 2008

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  • MYC is an iconic oncogene that has been at the forefront of cancer research since its discovery. Looking back over the history of MYC research provides us with a framework with which to progress in the next 25 years, as outlined in this Timeline.

    • Natalie Meyer
    • Linda Z. Penn
  • During the past century, the response to hypoxia has emerged as an important phenotypic determinant of a tumour, with repercussions for sensitivity to radiation and chemotherapy. This Timeline provides a historical overview of responses to hypoxia while looking forward to therapeutic strategies that are being developed to exploit them.

    • Jessica A. Bertout
    • Shetal A. Patel
    • M. Celeste Simon
  • One hundred years ago, Paul Ehrlich received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. His idea of creating 'magic bullets' for use in the fight against human diseases has inspired generations of scientists to devise powerful molecular cancer therapeutics.

    • Klaus Strebhardt
    • Axel Ullrich
  • The Wnt signalling pathway has a crucial role in the development of all animal species, and mutations or deregulated expression of components of the Wnt pathway can result in cancer. This Timeline examines the past 25 years of crucial discoveries — from a variety of disciplines — about the components and functions of this pathway.

    • Alexandra Klaus
    • Walter Birchmeier