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  • Experiments show that the shape of a biofilm, not just its cell doubling time, significantly impacts its expansion rate. This insight could guide new strategies for controlling biofilm growth.

    • Hudson Borja da Rocha
    • Tal Cohen
    News & Views
  • Many 2D or 1D materials feature fascinating collective behaviour of electrons that competes with highly localized interactions at atomic defects. By combining terahertz spectroscopy with scanning tunnelling microscopy, the ultrafast motion of these collective states can be captured with atomic spatial resolution, enabling the observation of electron dynamics at their intrinsic length and time scale.

    Research Briefing
  • Current muon beams have a phase-space volume that is too large for applications in muon colliders. Now, the reduction in the beam’s transverse emittance when passed through different absorbers in ionization cooling experiments is quantified.

    • M. Bogomilov
    • R. Tsenov
    • C. Heidt
    ArticleOpen Access
    • Stefanie Reichert
    News & Views
  • This year marks the hundredth anniversary of Satyendra Nath Bose’s paper that stimulated the study of quantum statistics. We take this opportunity to celebrate the physics of bosons.

  • The volume of muon beams in position–momentum space is too large to be used in a collider. A clear reduction in this volume has now been demonstrated, which brings particle physics closer to a practical muon collider for exploring the energy frontier.

    • Masashi Otani
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  • Laser-driven acceleration is a promising path towards more compact machines. Now, proton beams with energies up to 150 MeV have been achieved with a repetitive petawatt laser.

    • Jianhui Bin
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  • Topological quantum computers are predicted to perform calculations by manipulating quasiparticles known as non-Abelian anyons. A type of non-Abelian anyon that supports universal quantum gates has now been simulated using superconducting qubits.

    • Trond I. Andersen
    • Xiao Mi
    News & Views
  • Plasmonic excitations can enhance the interaction between a metal and molecules adsorbed onto its surface. This Review summarizes the different effects involved in this process and places them into a framework based on electron scattering.

    • Andrei Stefancu
    • Naomi J. Halas
    • Emiliano Cortes
    Review Article
  • Inducing superconductivity in quantum anomalous Hall insulators is crucial to realize topological superconductors. Now a study shows superconducting correlations in the quantum anomalous Hall state, which can convert electrons on its one-way path into holes.

    • Jing Wang
    • Zhaochen Liu
    News & Views
  • An improved optimization algorithm enables the training of large-scale neural quantum states in which the enormous number of neuron connections capture the intricate complexity of quantum many-body wavefunctions. This advance leads to unprecedented accuracy in paradigmatic quantum models, opening up new avenues for simulating and understanding complex quantum phenomena.

    Research Briefing