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  • Optical near-field microscopy has facilitated our understanding of nanophotonics. This Perspective explores the opportunities that near-field studies of terahertz fields provide for ultrafast phase transitions in condensed matter systems.

    • Michael Yannai
    • Matan Haller
    • Ido Kaminer
  • Understanding the mechanism of bacterial cell division is important in both fundamental and applied biology. Now, researchers have investigated the self-organization of cytoskeletal filaments and the role nematic ordering plays in cell division.

    • Zhixin Lyu
    News & Views
  • The Kibble–Zurek mechanism is a key framework for describing the dynamics of continuous phase transitions. Recent experiments with ultracold gases, employing alternative methods to create a superfluid, highlight its universality.

    • Adolfo del Campo
    • Seong-Ho Shinn
    News & Views
  • Non-classical states with a large, definite number of photons can now be produced in a superconducting cavity and used for quantum-enhanced sensing.

    • Xiaowei Deng
    • Sai Li
    • Dapeng Yu
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Measurements pervade winemaking, from the size of vineyards to the taste in your mouth. Stefanie Reichert gives us the tour.

    • Stefanie Reichert
    Measure for Measure
  • In light of the recent Olympic and upcoming Paralympic Summer Games in Paris, we take a closer look at the physics of sports and how it helps athletes improve their performance.

  • Recent experimental claims of quantum advantage rely on the absence of classical algorithms that can reproduce the results. A tensor network algorithm can now challenge recent optical quantum advantage experiments.

    • Jordi Tura
    News & Views
  • Migrating cell clusters exhibit finger-like protrusions at the front, attributed to leader cells physically dragging follower cells along. Now, an optogenetics experiment has shown that follower cells must also play a role in protrusion formation.

    • Chiu Fan Lee
    News & Views
  • Fluctuating hydrodynamics posits that thermalization in non-equilibrium systems depends on equilibrium transport coefficients. This hypothesis is now tested by exploring the emergence of fluctuations in non-equilibrium dynamics of ultracold atoms.

    • Julian F. Wienand
    • Simon Karch
    • Immanuel Bloch
    ArticleOpen Access
  • An atom interferometer now maintains a spatial superposition state for 70 seconds, compared to few seconds in freely falling systems. This could improve measurements of the strength of gravitational fields and quantum gravity studies.

    • Klemens Hammerer
    • Naceur Gaaloul
    News & Views
  • A bright, ultrashort X-ray pulse is used to transiently create and characterize warm dense copper. As the pulse intensity is increased, the opacity of copper is strongly altered. The recorded X-ray absorption spectra, substantiated by a theoretical electronic structure model, provide insight into the non-equilibrium electron dynamics during the formation of warm dense matter.

    Research Briefing
  • A new ferroic-like phase has been discovered in highly doped superconducting cuprates. The existence of a well-defined order parameter on the supposedly disordered side of the phase diagram challenges the accepted theoretical framework.

    • Alessandra Milloch
    • Claudio Giannetti
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