The cover image shows a 3D reconstruction of a mouse bladder affected by a prominent tumor, with urease-powered nanobots targeting the tumor.

In our May 2024 issue

Perovskite LEDs, Nanomotor with a DNA clutch, Single-molecule protein fingerprinting, In vivo, real-time positron emission particle tracking (PEPT), Charge excitations in Wigner crystals & more...


  • Louis Brus

    Professor Louis Brus of Columbia University tells Nature Nanotechnology about his first encounter with the world of colloidal quantum dots, the beginning of a journey that has earned him this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry (together with Aleksey Yekimov and Moungi Bawendi). He also offers insightful advice to young scientists along the way.

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    In 2020 and 2021, Nature Nanotechnology hosted several panel discussions on exciting topics in nanotechnology. See the recordings here.

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  • Inactivating hyperregulated metabolic pathways in cancer is used in the clinic to slow cancer progression. Here the authors show that l-tyrosine can reactivate melanogenesis in melanoma cells, resulting in suppression of cancer growth and production of melanin, which can be used as an additional photothermal therapy agent for melanoma eradication.

    • Yang Chen
    • Chaochao Wang
    • Wenbo Bu
  • By combining fibre-based trapping and position detection with cold damping through planar electrodes, cooling of a silica nanoparticle particle motion to a few hundred phonons on a chip is achieved.

    • Bruno Melo
    • Marc T. Cuairan
    • Romain Quidant
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Advances in nanoscale engineering bring us closer to unlocking the full potential of perovskite light-emitting diodes for future lighting and display applications.

  • A panel discussion at a recent Nature Conference highlighted the role of mentorship programmes to tackle gender disparity in Indian universities.

  • Scientists encounter pressure to validate their research work, leading to varied benchmarks and methods for performance assessment in the broad energy research field. Interlaboratory studies help highlight discrepancies in reported figures of merit, underscoring the need for standardized protocols, transparent reporting, and detailed analysis for fair comparisons. Here, we discuss this topic, focusing on battery materials.

    • Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa
