Editorials in 2019

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  • The cancer nanomedicine field is heading in two directions — debating whether the clinical translation of nanomaterials should be accelerated or whether some of the long-standing drug delivery paradigms have to be challenged first.

  • The coordinating role of the National Nanotechnology Initiative will be essential for the development of research at the nanoscale in the next decades.

  • After 15 years of intensive academic research, graphene is getting ready to morph into a marketable technology.

  • The trade-off between necessary scientific communication and the associated CO2 footprint asks for a thorough reconsideration of our travelling habits, new institutional travelling policies and for alternative approaches to interaction with colleagues and peers.

  • After our call to action regarding the suitability and usefulness of a checklist for papers in the field of nanobiomedicine, we received mixed replies.

  • Scientists and engineers should embrace art as a part of their work.

  • Plastic nanoparticles raise concern because of their potential impact on the environment. However, many questions need to be answered to establish how dangerous they really are.

  • The definition and classification of nanomaterials in regulations leave too much room for interpretation.

  • Nature Nanotechnology has started publicly acknowledging reviewers of published papers.

  • The connection between properties and environmental performance of graphene-derived structures is necessary to develop materials that can improve industry standards.

  • The constantly growing needs for data storage call for new memory technologies and downscaling strategies.
