Research articles

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  • Light sheet microscopy using a scanned Bessel beam in combination with structured illumination or two-photon excitation reduces photobleaching and phototoxicity, improves axial resolution and allows isotropic three-dimensional imaging. The authors demonstrate performance of the method via fast volumetric subcellular imaging of several dynamic processes in single living cells.

    • Thomas A Planchon
    • Liang Gao
    • Eric Betzig
  • The combination of an ultrahigh-resolution dual optical trap with a confocal microscope allowed single-fluorophore detection of labeled oligonucleotide binding and simultaneous measurement of angstrom-scale changes in DNA tether extension.

    • Matthew J Comstock
    • Taekjip Ha
    • Yann R Chemla
  • Confined photoactivation of photoactivatable mCherry using two-photon illumination with line-scanning temporal focusing in combination with three-dimensional localization algorithms allows three-dimensional super-resolution microscopy of cellular features at <50 nm lateral and <100 nm axial resolution and depths greater than 8 μm.

    • Andrew G York
    • Alireza Ghitani
    • Hari Shroff
  • A genetic multicolor cell-labeling technique for Droshophila melanogaster, Flybow, is described and applied to the study of neural circuits. This method implements a variant of the mouse Brainbow strategy in combination with specific neuronal targeting using the Gal-4–upstream activating sequence system to select for membrane-tethered fluorescent proteins. Also in this issue, Hampel et al. report a similar strategy, Drosophila Brainbow, to select for epitope-tagged proteins detectable via immunofluorescence.

    • Dafni Hadjieconomou
    • Shay Rotkopf
    • Iris Salecker
  • A genetic multicolor cell-labeling technique for Droshophila melanogaster, Drosophila Brainbow, is described and applied to the study of neural circuits. This method implements a variant of the mouse Brainbow strategy in combination with specific neuronal targeting using the Gal-4–upstream activating sequence system to select for epitope-tagged proteins detectable with immunofluorescence. Also in this issue, Hadjieconomou et al. develop a similar strategy, Flybow, to select for membrane-tethered fluorescent proteins.

    • Stefanie Hampel
    • Phuong Chung
    • Julie H Simpson
  • An optogenetic illumination system based on the use of a digital micromirror device and video tracking software is reported, which allows real-time light delivery with high spatial resolution to specified targets in freely moving Caenorhabditis elegans. Also in this issue, Stirman et al. report a similar illumination system using a liquid crystal display projector. Both methods allow optogenetic perturbation of a variety of neural circuits in the behaving worm.

    • Andrew M Leifer
    • Christopher Fang-Yen
    • Aravinthan D T Samuel
  • An optogenetic illumination system based on the use of a liquid crystal display projector and video tracking software is reported, which allows real-time multispectral light delivery with high spatial resolution to specified targets in freely moving Caenorhabditis elegans. Also in this issue, Leifer et al. report a similar illumination system using a digital micromirror device. Both methods allow optogenetic perturbation of a variety of neural circuits in the behaving worm.

    • Jeffrey N Stirman
    • Matthew M Crane
    • Hang Lu