Comment in 2019

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  • Electronic and photonic devices based on graphene have unique properties, leading to outstanding performance figures of merit. Mastering the integration of this unconventional material into an established semiconductor fabrication line represents a critical step towards commercialization.

    • Daniel Neumaier
    • Stephan Pindl
    • Max C. Lemme
  • The past few years have witnessed significant development in graphene research, yet a number of challenges remain for its commercialization and industrialization. This Comment discusses relevant issues for industrial-scale graphene synthesis, one of the critical aspects for the future graphene industry.

    • Li Lin
    • Hailin Peng
    • Zhongfan Liu
  • Oxides of non-magnetic cations exhibit elusive signs of weak temperature-independent ferromagnetism. The effect is associated with surface defects, but it defies conventional explanation. Possible hypotheses are a spin-split defect impurity band, or giant orbital paramagnetism related to zero-point vacuum fluctuations.

    • J. M. D. Coey
  • Highly quantitative, robust, single-cell analyses can help to unravel disease heterogeneity and lead to clinical insights, particularly for complex and chronic diseases. Advances in computer vision and machine learning can empower label-free cell-based diagnostics to capture subtle disease states.

    • Minh Doan
    • Anne E. Carpenter
  • At the recent Artificial Intelligence Applications in Biopharma Summit in Boston, USA, a panel of scientists from industry who work at the interface of machine learning and pharma discussed the diverging opinions on the past, present and future role of AI for ADME/Tox in drug discovery and development.

    • Barun Bhhatarai
    • W. Patrick Walters
    • Sean Ekins
  • Rapid progress in machine learning is enabling opportunities for improved clinical decision support. Importantly, however, developing, validating and implementing machine learning models for healthcare entail some particular considerations to increase the chances of eventually improving patient care.

    • Po-Hsuan Cameron Chen
    • Yun Liu
    • Lily Peng
  • Topological structures have considerable potential in nanoelectronics and new device concepts. They are key to the design and understanding of novel functionalities in ferroic materials — that is, materials that have one or more types of built-in order such as magnetic, ferroelectric, ferroelastic and multiferroic materials.

    • Jan Seidel