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  • A WHO expert panel concluded that a single dose of HPV vaccine has efficacy comparable to that of the two-dose regimen, which could help boost cervical cancer–elimination efforts.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • A phase 3 trial confirms that addition of the checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab to neoadjuvant chemotherapy improves outcomes in patients with early-stage lung cancer.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • A deep-learning model predicts the likelihood of, and time to, sudden cardiac death in patients with heart disease — providing an opportunity for clinical intervention.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • A large Canadian study showed that those living close to fracking sites had an increased risk of adverse birth outcomes, but the reasons for this are still unknown.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • Trastuzumab deruxtecan performed better than trastuzumab emtansine in patients with pretreated HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer, but careful safety monitoring will be needed in the clinical setting.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • Data reveal an increased risk of diabetes in the months after acute COVID-19 infection – which could have implications for stretched public health systems.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • Long-acting antibody nirsevimab could offer protection against respiratory syncytial virus infection in all infants — fulfilling a serious unmet need.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • A large-scale study reveals infection-related structural changes in the brain — further research and long-term follow-up will be needed to determine their impact.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • A study involving physicians, politicians and the public tackles uncomfortable questions around who should be allocated lifesaving treatment.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • A novel orexin receptor antagonist improved sleep quality in people with insomnia, without residual effects on daytime functioning.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • A novel technique enables molecular profiling of cell types in the brain vasculature and expands understanding of the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • Sustained caloric restriction without malnutrition reduces markers of inflammation and aging in mice and humans.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • The identification of a highly virulent subtype of HIV in the Netherlands underscores the importance of surveillance, testing and prompt initiation of therapy.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • Patients with CYP2C19 mutations may have suboptimal responses to clopidogrel, but another anti-platelet agent — ticagrelor — may help to prevent stroke recurrence.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • The most comprehensive analysis of AMR so far highlights the enormous magnitude of this public health problem, and provides a foundation for targeted interventions.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • The pandemic has limited access to endoscopy screening for patients with Barrett’s esophagus, but a new biomarker-based method could help prioritize patients based on cancer risk.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • A US-based study highlights widening disparities in air quality, with racial/ethnic minorities and low-income groups exposed to higher levels of pollution.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight
  • Microbiome alterations have been associated with autism, but a new study suggests that this may be a consequence of autism-related dietary preferences, rather than a causal factor.

    • Karen O’Leary
    Research Highlight