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Patterns of intraplate volcanism controlled by asthenospheric shear


Most of Earth’s volcanism occurs at plate boundaries, in association with subduction or rifting. A few high-volume volcanic fields are observed both at plate boundaries and within plates, fed by plumes upwelling from the deep mantle1. The remaining volcanism is observed away from plate boundaries. It is typically basaltic, effusive and low volume, occurring within continental interiors2,3,4,5,6,7 or creating seamounts on the ocean floor8,9,10,11. This intraplate volcanism has been attributed to various localized processes12 such as cracking of the lithosphere8,13,14, small-scale convection in the mantle beneath the lithosphere15,16,17 or shear-induced melting of low-viscosity pockets of asthenospheric mantle that have become embedded along the base of the lithosphere18. Here we compare the locations of observed intraplate volcanism with global patterns of mantle flow from a numerical model. We find a correlation between recent continental and oceanic intraplate volcanism and areas of the asthenosphere that are experiencing rapid shear due to mantle convection. We detect particularly high correlations in the interior of the continents of western North America, eastern Australia, southern Europe and Antarctica, as well as west of the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. We conclude that intraplate volcanism associated with mantle convection is best explained by melting caused by shear flow within the asthenosphere, whereas other localized processes are less important.

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Figure 1: Spatial correlation between asthenospheric shear and continental intraplate volcanism.
Figure 2: Spatial correlation between asthenospheric shear and seamount volcanism.
Figure 3: Temporal correlation between seamount density and spreading rate for the Pacific Basin.

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We thank S. King and J. Hillier for comments that improved the manuscript. This work was supported by NSF grant OCE-0937319, the Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects and the Clark County Department of Comprehensive Planning, Nuclear Waste Division. This is SOEST contribution 8081.

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C.P.C., T.A.B. and E.I.S. developed the statistical comparisons between continental volcanism and asthenospheric shear; C.P.C. and P.W. developed the statistical comparisons between seamount databases, asthenospheric shear and seafloor spreading rates; C.P.C. prepared the manuscript with input, comments and review from all authors.

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Correspondence to Clinton P. Conrad or Todd A. Bianco.

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Conrad, C., Bianco, T., Smith, E. et al. Patterns of intraplate volcanism controlled by asthenospheric shear. Nature Geosci 4, 317–321 (2011).

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