Articles in 2016

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  • Raul Rabadan, Antonio Iavarone, Gaetano Finocchiaro, Do-Hyun Nam and colleagues analyze longitudinal genomic and transcriptomic data from 114 patients with glioblastoma. They find that relapse-associated clones typically exist before diagnosis, that expression subtypes are not stable under therapy and that recurrence tumors harbor specific alterations in several genes, including LTBP4 and MGMT.

    • Jiguang Wang
    • Emanuela Cazzato
    • Raul Rabadan
  • Han-Xiang Deng and colleagues identify TMEM230 mutations in Lewy body–confirmed Parkinson's disease. They also show evidence that disease-associated TMEM230 mutants impair synaptic vesicle trafficking in neurons.

    • Han-Xiang Deng
    • Yong Shi
    • Teepu Siddique
  • Andrea Superti-Furga, Ron Wevers, Clara van Karnebeek, Luisa Bonafé and colleagues identify mutations in NANS, which encodes the sialic acid synthase, in nine individuals with severe infantile-onset developmental delay and skeletal dysplasia. They describe abnormal metabolites accumulating because of deficient NANS enzyme activity and show that impaired sialic acid synthesis in zebrafish perturbs skeletal development, which can partially be rescued by supplementation with exogenous sialic acid.

    • Clara D M van Karnebeek
    • Luisa Bonafé
    • Andrea Superti-Furga
  • John Wallingford and colleagues combine proteomics, in vivo imaging and genetic analyses to identify a new ciliopathy-associated protein module, which they call CPLANE. They show that CPLANE proteins, which include Fuzzy, Inturned and Wdpcp, interact with Jbts17 at basal bodies, where they act to recruit a specific subset of intraflagellar transport proteins.

    • Michinori Toriyama
    • Chanjae Lee
    • John B Wallingford
  • Matthew Meyerson, Ramaswamy Govindan and colleagues examine the exome sequences and copy number profiles of 660 lung adenocarcinoma and 484 lung squamous cell carcinoma tumors. They identify novel significantly mutated genes and amplification peaks and find that around half of the tumors have at least five predicted neoepitopes.

    • Joshua D Campbell
    • Anton Alexandrov
    • Matthew Meyerson
  • Philipp Simon, Massimo Iorizzo, Allen Van Deynze and colleagues report the high-quality assembly of the carrot genome, providing an important resource for crop improvement. They find a candidate gene that regulates carotenoid accumulation and gain further insights into asterid genome evolution, including characterization of two new polyploidization events.

    • Massimo Iorizzo
    • Shelby Ellison
    • Philipp Simon
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Kari Stefansson and colleagues report discovery of 13 variants with large effects on non-HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol or triglyceride lipid fractions. They further show that, among these lipid fractions, the non-HDL cholesterol genetic risk score associates most strongly with coronary disease and confers risk beyond that of LDL cholesterol and that, after accounting for non-HDL cholesterol, neither HDL cholesterol nor triglyceride genetic risk scores associate with coronary disease.

    • Anna Helgadottir
    • Solveig Gretarsdottir
    • Kari Stefansson
  • John Perry, Ken Ong and colleagues perform a genome-wide association study for reproductive ability, behavior and success to determine underlying genetic factors. They find 38 variants associated with age of first sexual intercourse and show that both physical and neurobehavioral traits influence the onset of reproductive activity.

    • Felix R Day
    • Hannes Helgason
    • John R B Perry
  • Zhenglin Yang and colleagues use whole-exome sequencing to identify a rare variant in the FGD6 gene that is associated with the polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy subtype of wet age-related macular degeneration. They show that FGD6 regulates proangiogenic effects together with VEGF and that the mutation results in abnormal retinal vessel development.

    • Lulin Huang
    • Houbin Zhang
    • Zhenglin Yang
  • Daniel Benjamin, Meike Bartels, Philipp Koellinger and colleagues report a genome-wide association meta-analysis of subjective well-being, depressive symptoms and neuroticism. The study leverages a large sample size together with genetic correlations between the phenotypes to identify, with high confidence, loci associated with each phenotype.

    • Aysu Okbay
    • Bart M L Baselmans
    • David Cesarini
  • Alexander Pym, Ashlee Earl and colleagues use the whole-genome sequences from 498 strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to identify new genotypes conferring resistance to antitubercular drugs. They find that loss-of-function mutations in ald (Rv2780), encoding L-alanine dehydrogenase, are associated with unexplained drug resistance and demonstrate that these mutations confer resistance to D-cycloserine.

    • Christopher A Desjardins
    • Keira A Cohen
    • Alexander S Pym
  • Nadav Ahituv, Nicola Illing, Jeff Wall and colleagues sequence the genome of the bat Miniopterus natalensis and perform RNA-seq and ChIP-seq (H3K27ac and H3K27me3) analyses on its developing forelimb and hindlimb autopods at sequential embryonic stages. Their analyses identify genomic regions that may contribute to bat wing formation.

    • Walter L Eckalbar
    • Stephen A Schlebusch
    • Nadav Ahituv
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Bin Zhou and colleagues use genetic labeling in mice to show that endocardial cells of the sinus venosus substantially contribute to the liver vasculature, which thus shares a common developmental origin with coronary arteries. Inhibition of endocardial angiogenesis leads to reduced endocardial contribution to the liver vasculature and to defects in liver organogenesis.

    • Hui Zhang
    • Wenjuan Pu
    • Bin Zhou
  • Adrian Liston and colleagues use a transgenic mouse model to demonstrate that beta cell failure is a mechanistic commonality in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They find that the changes in the molecular pathways identified as contributing to beta cell loss are paralleled in human islets from patients with type 2 diabetes.

    • James Dooley
    • Lei Tian
    • Adrian Liston