Reviews & Analysis

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  • Air pollution policy is often focused on controlling mass emissions, neglecting the differential health impacts from sources like residential particulate matter. A study now shows that the impacts from residential emissions are significantly higher compared with coal-fired power plants in China when toxicity is considered.

    • Yueming Lucy Qiu
    • Yi David Wang
    • Jiahai Yuan
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  • Highly concentrated electrolytes offer enhanced energy-density for aqueous batteries, but the high salt concentration presents formidable challenges for practical implementation. Now, an electrolyte has been designed that has a substantially reduced salt concentration while still enabling high-performance batteries.

    • John Brown
    • Alexis Grimaud
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  • The vast potential parameter space for constructing efficient and stable perovskite solar cells makes their assessment no easy task. Now, researchers use high-throughput screening to uncover stable perovskites and devise a bilayer polymer contact to extend the device stability to 1,450 hours under high-temperature operational conditions.

    • Tracy H. Schloemer
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  • Renewable energy costs have fallen precipitously over the past decade. New analysis explores how an extension of these trends, plus complementary technology innovation and market-based climate policy, could lead to a future energy system dominated by electricity.

    • Matthew Binsted
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