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  • Cold temperatures put financial strain on millions of households for whom sufficient heating is prohibitively expensive.

  • New approaches to collaboration between private and public sectors can speed up innovation, but greater coordination is required to make even greater gains.

  • We all stand to gain by doing more to combat gender inequality.

  • Energy models provide powerful insights for decision-makers, but more care is needed around the choice of reference scenarios and the transparency of assumptions.

  • Recent large-scale carbon-capture schemes in the energy sector point to progress, but further development and support are still required to improve viability and widespread deployment.

  • The development of rechargeable batteries looks hugely successful on paper, but moving in leaps takes fundamental breakthroughs, truly meaningful performance advances, and technological integration.

  • It is easy to conflate what is known based on the scientific literature and what feels known because it is intuitive. However, empirical validation and precision are particularly critical for policy-relevant behavioural research, regardless of whether the results are surprising.

  • Disruption is often a bad word in established industries, and electricity generation is no exception. But with silicon solar cells getting ever closer to efficiency limits, innovative solutions are needed.

  • Clean energy initiatives offer a way to realise substantial global health benefits.

  • A continued lack of coordination and a focus on short-term decision-making threaten to undermine long-term energy system ambitions intended to meet objectives in future decades.

  • Recent announcements highlight the increasing competitiveness of renewable electricity sources and signal that the need for subsidies may be approaching an end.

  • As we celebrate our first birthday today, we hope you'll allow us a little self-indulgent reflection.
