Research articles

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  • Reversible cobalt complexation of alkynes is a critical step in some chemical transformations. New research shows this reaction can be used to specifically retrieve modified lipids from complex cellular mixtures, simplifying tracking and providing insights into lipid metabolism.

    • Stephen B Milne
    • Keri A Tallman
    • H Alex Brown
    Brief Communication
  • Differentiation of mouse myoblasts is coordinated with glycolysis, calcium/calcineurin signaling, chromatin acetylation and cholesterol biosynthesis. This is consistent with profiling of the intracellular metabolites that accompany myogenic differentiation and points to new targets for cancer differentiation therapy of rhabdomyosarcoma.

    • Abigail L Bracha
    • Arvind Ramanathan
    • Stuart L Schreiber
    Brief Communication
  • Although tetracycline selects for tetracycline-resistant bacterial strains, degradation products of tetracycline are now shown to select for tetracycline-sensitive strains, providing a potential mechanism for the observed coexistence of antibiotic-sensitive and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment.

    • Adam C Palmer
    • Elaine Angelino
    • Roy Kishony
    Brief Communication