Q&As in 2015

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  • We asked a collection of chemical biologists: “What is the most exciting frontier area in chemical biology, and what key technology is needed to advance knowledge and applications at this frontier?”

  • We asked a collection of chemical biologists: “What advice would you give to a junior scientist interested in pursuing a career in chemical biology?”

  • We asked a collection of chemical biologists: "What do you value most about being part of the chemical biology community?"

  • We asked a collection of chemical biologists: “What is the most significant challenge facing chemical biology as a discipline?”

  • We asked a collection of chemical biologists: “What would you say have been the most important historical contributions of chemical biology to broader areas of science”?

  • Agreeing on a precise definition of chemical biology has been a persistent challenge for the field. We asked a diverse group of scientists to “define chemical biology” and present a selection of responses.
