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  • Nature Cell Biology supports the wide dissemination of scientific findings both prior to and following publication of primary research manuscripts.

  • Advances in stem cell research offer unprecedented insights into human biology and opportunities for clinical translation. They also raise many questions with social and ethical implications.

  • Peer review is a key element of scientific publishing. Here we discuss what constitutes the ideal referee report.

  • Mechanobiology — the study of how physical forces control the behaviour of cells and tissues — is a rapidly growing field. In this issue, we launch a Series of specially commissioned Review articles that discuss exciting recent developments in this area.

  • Nature Cell Biology is among the Springer Nature journals taking part in a recently launched trial that mandates the provision of ORCID identifiers for the corresponding authors of our papers.

  • The steep cuts in science funding proposed in the 2018 US budget blueprint have raised alarm in scientific quarters, and signal the current administration's disregard for the significance of science and research in modern society.

  • Data sharing is an inherent principle of research publication, and information on how data may be accessed is key for the replication and furthering of scientific findings. Here we revisit the policies of Nature Cell Biology on data availability.

  • Shifting political landscapes in the United States and European Union have seeded uncertainty in the scientific community. Intellectual freedom, funding and scientist mobility must be protected to secure the future of biological research.
