Research articles

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  • Development of sensitive mass spectrometry–based assays for complex biofluids depends on the ability to identify signature peptides that produce the strongest signals. Fusaro et al. use protein physicochemical properties to predict high-responding peptides in data obtained from complex samples such as plasma.

    • Vincent A Fusaro
    • D R Mani
    • Steven A Carr
  • A reliable supply of antigen-specific human antibodies could be useful for treating many diseases. Kuroiwa et al. use multiple rounds of genetic modification and cloning to generate a calf carrying human immunoglobulin genes and lacking bovine immunoglobulin genes, and show that the hyperimmunized animal produces >2 g/l of antigen-specific human polyclonal antibodies.

    • Yoshimi Kuroiwa
    • Poothappillai Kasinathan
    • James M Robl
  • Repetitive sequences and chromatin accessibility can confound scoring of chromatin immunoprecipitation data generated by high–throughput sequencing. Using data sets they produce for human RNA polymerase II and the transcription factor STAT1, Rozowsky et al. compensate for these biases by correcting for 'mappability' and normalizing the data against an input–DNA control.

    • Joel Rozowsky
    • Ghia Euskirchen
    • Mark B Gerstein