Opinion in 1988

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  • The UK government should delay the sale of its electricity monopoly until its mind is clearer.

  • The welcome ending of the war between Iran and Iraq should not blind governments elsewhere to Iraq's use of poison gas — and to the need that it should not be allowed to happen again.

  • When the political race to 'cure' the drought problem is over, it will fall to government bureaucrats to sort out a national atmosphere policy

  • President Ronald Reagan leaves tough decisions on AIDS to his successors

  • The British government is sensibly seeking to introduce a national curriculum for its schools, but may be defeated by the structure of the system it has inherited—and by some obstacles of its own making.

  • A call for revived interest in population registers will go unheeded unless abuses can be prevented.

  • The plan to close Britain's first commercial nuclear plant should not be misread (as it has been) as a further nail in the coffin of the nuclear industry worldwide. But there is much to be done.

  • Paradoxically the social sciences remain under a cloud when governments and their electors are more worried by social problems than for many years. Should not the social sciences exert themselves?

  • Trinity College's generosity towards its university should offer hope to other British universities.

  • The long-awaited proposals for the reform of the British law on official secrecy are better than expected, but leave many details to be hammered out.

  • British universities have won modifications to the Education Reform Bill, but need extra funds too.

  • The future of the US space programme is still unclear, despite the Space Science Board's report.

  • An article in this week's issue describes observations for which there is no present physical basis. There are good and particular reasons why prudent people should, for the time being, suspend judgement.

  • Next week's special conference of the Soviet Communist Party will probably have the wit to confirm Mr Mikhail Gorbachev as its leader. Will it have the courage to set Soviet science free?

  • The British school examinations system is about to be modified, but not reformed.

  • Proverbs such as "It never rains, but it pours!" apply to the world's unluckiest oil company.

  • This year's economic summit, arranged for next week, is unlikely to break with the bland self-reassurance that has become its tradition. But the seven governments need more imagination than usual.

  • Legalizing hard drugs, but controlling them, could lessen the social evils of drug abuse.
