Nature Briefing in 2021

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  • COVID-19 vaccine technology could help to protect us from other diseases. Plus: the genetic origins of modern domestic horses and a false-alarm ‘alien’ signal.

    • Emma Stoye
    Nature Briefing
  • Unvaccinated people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 are at risk of reinfection within a couple years, models propose. Plus, why fossil-fuel subsidies are so hard to kill and how refugee scientists are keeping their research dreams alive.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • As companies fill low-Earth orbit with thousands of satellites, it's becoming a new region of environmental dissent. Plus, tips for writing a popular-science book, and a super-precise measure of the neutron’s lifetime leaves a mystery unsolved.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • Why do people who have recovered from COVID-19 show such spectacular immune responses when they get vaccinated? Plus, the first mission to the Trojan asteroids is ready to launch and how eclectic acupuncture zaps inflammation in mice.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • Tax heavy cars and shrink batteries to make electric vehicles cleaner and safer, say three energy-policy researchers. Plus, nanotechnology antiviral drugs that target SARS-CoV-2, and career tips from Nobel laureates.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • The race to apply mRNA technology, which has been so successful in COVID-19 jabs, to influenza vaccines. Plus, the economics Nobel prizewinners, and an abandoned oil tanker that threatens millions of lives.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • “Stay tuned,” says the Nobel committee about a prize for COVID-19 vaccine technology. Plus, surprisingly recent volcanic activity on the Moon and how AI ‘nowcasts’ imminent storms.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • First real-world evidence that inexpensive air filters effectively remove SARS-CoV-2 virus particles from the air. Plus, a malaria vaccine will finally be rolled out across Africa and how the world’s biggest brain maps could transform neuroscience.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • US National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins will step down from the agency by the end of the year. Plus, climate and complex systems share the physics Nobel Prize and the estate of Henrietta Lacks is suing Thermo Fisher Scientific.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • The Great Red Spot storm on Jupiter is mysteriously rotating faster and shrinking. Plus, see the first images of a solid made of electrons and learn how Microsoft plans to offset all the carbon it ever emitted.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • Bizarre rings in a distant star system might be caused by the first known circumtriple planet. Plus, publishers join forces against image manipulation, and the gripping first chapter of a scientific story three years in the making.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing
  • The ninth satellite to take up the mantle of the longest-running Earth-observation mission has successfully launched. Plus, an autism genetics project has been paused amid a backlash, and behind the scenes with Nature’s scientific graphics team.

    • Flora Graham
    Nature Briefing