Opinion in 2000

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  • The political and practical obstacles to greater scientific exchange between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland are significant. It is achievable, however, and is in the best interests of both parties.

  • Next month sees three new Nature review titles that make the most of the partnership between editors and authors.

  • Antidoping scientists are failing in their efforts to rid sport of performance-enhancing drugs. But there are no inherent technical obstacles — the problem is simply one of resources.

  • Public bickering over a controversial theory on the origins of AIDS is generating more heat than light.

  • Planetaria are getting ever better at capturing the glories and the challenges of the night sky. They are underused not only in that astronomical context, but for other sciences too.

  • As Japan strives to encourage academics to work more closely with industry, progress is hindered by strict government regulations, researchers' fear of criticism and industry's reluctance to fund research that may not bring profits.

  • Procrastination indicates an inappropriate lack of faith in political processes.

  • In an attempt to reverse a declining interest in scientific careers and to remind the public that their work is interesting, German researchers have succeeded in enhancing the accessibility of physics. Others should benefit from their example.

  • While some researchers report progress towards the goal of producing pig organs for human transplantation, others have revealed new causes for worry about the potential consequences.

  • The spectacular US forest fires should be a stimulus to improving the management of the ecosystems in the American west.

  • The reinstatement of evolution in the Kansas school curriculum is not only good news for science and for the students. It is a timely demonstration that researchers can and must act politically when their values are at stake.

  • A report on the tobacco industry's activities against scientific assessment is powerful support for transparency.

  • Raw data are useful for researchers wishing to replicate the results of an experiment. Care needs to be taken when, as with brain-imaging measurements, such data can be misused or misinterpreted.

  • Announcements of enhanced funding for researchers and equipment are almost as good as they look.

  • Science policymakers worldwide are waking up to the opportunities of ‘the Grid’ — a supercomputing network transforming many disciplines. But it poses new organizational challenges for researchers and their institutions.

  • Despite the pervasive tension between AIDS researchers and the South African government, last week's international AIDS conference in Durban was successful on several fronts.

  • Scientists should be careful not to exaggerate the usefulness of biological agents as terrorist weapons, and focus their efforts on developing an effective international verification regime.

  • The successful sequencing of a plant pathogen by Brazilian researchers is a political as well as a scientific achievement.
