Opinion in 1994

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  • The University of Chandigarh in India has been disgracefully lenient with Professor V.J. Gupta.

  • The deal between the United States and North Korea is not the climb-down it may appear, but should spur the nuclear powers to a comprehensive test-ban treaty before next year.

  • Politicians accused of conflicts of interest may be a model for ethics in the research community.

  • Poor Britain's plans for the beginning of a new millennium will be almost literally in the lap of the gods.

  • A gloomy view of modern society based on the assumption that those in charge form a “cognitive élite” which is likely to be dynastic mischievously begs too many questions.

  • The European Commission must exert itself in matching cultural diversity with economic unity.

  • The spacecraft Magellan, due to end its sojourn around Venus on 11 October, is a success for NASA.

  • On recent precedent, the latest crop of defendants in the French contaminated-blood saga will not be given a fair trial; some are already the victims of double-jeopardy.

  • Raptors, and falcons in particular, may have forfeited their right to conservation.

  • India's recent plague may have been something else, but the need remains to know more of the animal reservoir.

  • A plan to build a British university in Thailand deserves the ridicule it will attract.

  • Against next year's review conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the nuclear powers need something tangible to offer their critics. An interim fixed-term comprehensive test-ban is the best opportunity.

  • Academic institutions must be more zealous in policing arrangements between employees and industry.

  • Unexpectedly rapid progress towards the sequencing and listing of the genes in the human genome has caused a flurry of excitement (and injured pride) in the genome community which is likely to surface in Washington next week.

  • If the threat of global warming is serious (which cannot be denied), it deserves more seemly ways of making authoritative opinion public than that followed at last week's meeting at Maastricht.

  • Africa deserves a big share of the pride in early hominid discoveries.

  • Sir Karl Popper, who died a week ago, was a combatant on every intellectual battlefield he could find.

  • Over-zealous patenting of mutated genes could decelerate discoveries the law intends to encourage.

  • The US administration has let the new tariff agreement drift too long — and dangerously.

  • The Vatican's disruption of the Cairo population conference last week is a sign that it should in future enjoy the status of just another pressure group in relation to international negotiations.
