Nature Index in 2014

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  • Almost all countries in the region endured upheaval in 2013. Despite unsettled times the biggest research players continued to prioritize science and discovery and push for breakthroughs across the disciplines. Article count (AC): 1,920 Fractional count (FC): 785 Weighted fractional count (WFC): 696

    Nature Index
  • Efforts to boost domestic science spending have yet to reach their goal, but are having an effect in Africa. Researchers, however, still rely heavily on funds and collaborators from richer nations.

    Nature Index
  • For many decades, North America has led the world with the breadth and depth of its science, and its continued dominance is apparent in the Nature Index results. Article count (AC): 29,325 Fractional count (FC): 22,276 Weighted fractional count (WFC): 20,126

    Nature Index
  • Asia's traditional strengths in chemistry and physical sciences continue to power scientific pursuits and collaborations in Central and South Asian countries. Article count (AC): 1,574 Fractional count (FC): 986 Weighted fractional count (WFC): 879

    Nature Index
  • Countries in the region are pushing to adopt a broader research base, along with updated institutional organizations. But for the most part it is the physical sciences that remain strongest. Article count: 3,351 Fractional count (FC): 1,321 Weighted fractional count (WFC): 1,048

    Nature Index
  • China, Japan, Singapore and South Korea vividly demonstrate how significant investment in science can help to fuel national economic growth. Article count (AC): 15,638 Fractional count (FC): 11,449 Weighted fractional count (WFC): 10,811

    Nature Index
  • The research landscape could not be more disparate between Australia and New Zealand. Strong Australian results are undermined by recent budget cuts, while New Zealand's output has fallen despite science spending boosts. Article count: 2,782 Fractional count (FC): 1,270 Weighted fractional count (WFC): 1,064

    Nature Index
  • The Nature Index allows us to track contributions by countries and by research institutions — academic, government and commercial — to selective scientific journals, independently chosen by active scientists. Analysis of this database provides insight into global hotspots for high-quality research.

    Nature Index
  • The world's leading countries and institutions for high–quality science, ordered by weighted fractional count (WFC) for 2013. Also shown are the total number of articles, and the change in WFC from 2012. Articles are from the 68 natural science journals that comprise the Nature Index (see Guide to the Nature Index, page S94.)

    Nature Index