Commentary in 1991

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  • Paul Doty, Mallinckrodt Professor of Biochemistry Emeritus at Harvard University, points to the scientific community's responsibility in the case of Weaver et al.

    • Paul Doty
  • Rodent cancer bioassays are no longer the most efficient way to detect possible human carcinogens. A more imaginative approach is needed.

    • J. Ashby
    • R. S. Morrod
  • Chemists, like other specialists, ought to make it clearer what hypotheses they are framing and testing. They will thus avoid the suggestion that they are over-fond of empirical generalizations.

    • Eric Magnusson
  • Professor Mark Ptashne describes evidence to explain the disputed Cell paper, Dr Herman N Eisen (who conducted the MIT inquiry in 1986) concurs, Dr John Cairns (in letter to an unidentified official of the US National Academy) says the affair is the equivalent of Watergate and a former co-worker offers a testimonal to Imanishi-Kari.

  • Professor Mark Ptashne describes evidence to explain the disputed Cell paper, Dr Herman N Eisen (who conducted the MIT inquiry in 1986) concurs, Dr John Cairns (in letter to an unidentified official of the US National Academy) says the affair is the equivalent of Watergate and a former co-worker offers a testimonal to Imanishi-Kari.

  • Professor Mark Ptashne describes evidence to explain the disputed Cell paper, Dr Herman N Eisen (who conducted the MIT inquiry in 1986) concurs, Dr John Cairns (in letter to an unidentified official of the US National Academy) says the affair is the equivalent of Watergate and a former co-worker offers a testimonal to Imanishi-Kari.

  • Professor Mark Ptashne describes evidence to explain the disputed Cell paper, Dr Herman N Eisen (who conducted the MIT inquiry in 1986) concurs, Dr John Cairns (in letter to an unidentified official of the US National Academy) says the affair is the equivalent of Watergate and a former co-worker offers a testimonal to Imanishi-Kari.

  • A chemical convention banning the production of chemical warfare agents is needed to control the activities of the chemical industry. But compliance must be in the industry's own interest.

    • S. Black
    • B. Morel
    • P. Zapf
  • The nuclear industry is seriously addressing the issues which cause public concern. Despite its still controversial image, a wave of nuclear construction is likely to begin soon after the year 2000.

    • Terence Price
  • The most effective way to stop the killing of elephants is to ban the ivory trade. All other options keep ivory in the marketplace and thereby encourage demand for ivory and its products.

    • Mark Pagel
    • Ruth Mace
  • A power struggle between various European organizations is hindering attempts to expand basic biological research in Europe. A remedy to this situation must involve both scientists and top politicians.

    • Lennart Philipson
  • The way that molecular biology is funded in Germany is damaging the universities. German policy makers should follow the advice of Wilhelm von Humboldt, and concentrate teaching and research in the universities.

    • Benno Müller-Hillis
  • We may be discovering climate as it becomes less important to well-being. A range of technologies appears to have lessened the vulnerability of human societies to climate variation.

    • Jesse H. Ausubel
  • Centrifugation techniques developed for uranium enrichment have been widely available for commercial exploitation and military use, but biologists have not been permitted to use them.

    • Walter Ormerod
  • Bayesian scientific reasoning has a sound foundation in logic and provides a unified approach to the evaluation of deterministic and statistical theories, unlike its main rivals.

    • Colin Howson
    • Peter Urbach
  • A survey of the state of US astronomy and of what is needed in the coming decade may be a useful model for those wishing to present a coherent case for science in general. But there are pitfalls.

    • David Lindley
  • The deliberate firing of the Kuwaiti oil wells by the Iraqis is an act of gross environmental vandalism. But the likely impacts on the climate have been exaggerated.

    • Richard D. Small
  • The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama is the best equipped and most productive tropical research institute in the world. A visit to the institute reveals some of the ingredients of its success.

    • Alun Anderson
  • A General Agreement on Climate Change would accommodate the diverse and changing interests of nations as they seek to slowglobal warming alongside other socioeconomic objectives

    • David G. Victor