Editorials in 2023

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  • Plastics are ubiquitous, but problematic from a whole life cycle perspective. Nature Sustainability asked four experts to present their views about the ongoing plastics crisis.

  • Media attention to the disastrous consequences of this summer’s wildfires has been at a record high. Now the world should wake up to the urgent need to restore burnt sites.

  • This season’s wildfires have wreaked havoc for local communities, summer tourists and densely populated cities more than 1,000 km away. International cooperation is urgently needed to ensure humans’ sustainable future with increasing wildfires.

  • As the research community remembers John Bannister Goodenough for his contributions to the development of batteries, we reflect on his legacy, what it means to sustainability and where we go next in the quest for a more sustainable future.

  • In the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, voters’ support for environmental protection seems to be dropping, even though we need it now more than ever before.

  • As armed conflicts claim dreadful death tolls and destroy nature, they jeopardize humanity’s future. If safe and peaceful societies are the priorities of governments, more needs to happen to achieve them.

  • A historic treaty to protect the oceans has finally been signed off by the United Nations, can we be hopeful now?

  • As interest in publishing with Nature Sustainability keeps growing, the editorial team reorganizes how it provides feedback to the community.

  • Nature Sustainability is five. We reflect on what we have achieved so far and our ambitions going forward.
