Q&As in 2012

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  • Abha Sur, part of the humanities faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of 'Dispersed Radiance: Caste, Gender, and Modern Science in India' tells Vijaysree Venkataraman what brought about her transformation from a physical chemist into a science historian.

  • American tree top specialist Margaret Lowman, on a scholarship to India, is hoping to build canopy walkways here. Her aim: using ecotourism to boost conservation. Vijaysree Venkatraman in conversation with the canopy scientist nicknamed "Einstein of the Treetops".

  • Particle physicist Rohini Godbole of the Indian Institute of Science is part of a select group of scientists who will decide the design of the next-generation particle accelerator based on the outcome of experiments being run on CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). She speaks to Nature India about her work and life.

    • Vijaysree Venkatraman
  • India is emerging as the hottest destination for surrogacy says Kamini Rao, fertility expert and member of the national advisory committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). She speaks to Nature India about the proposed law to regulate this technology.

    • K. S. Jayaraman