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  • The use of electric vehicles has increased substantially in recent years but the development of an appropriate charging infrastructure remains a challenge. Roads with dynamic wireless charging could provide an answer.

    • Khurram Afridi
  • Cities are central to increasing the uptake of electric vehicles. A range of situational and contextual factors will influence this process, and cities need to use a variety of mechanisms — including policies and incentives — to drive the necessary change.

    • Oliver Heidrich
    • Dilum Dissanayake
    • Gordon Hector
  • Electric vehicles could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deliver a sustainable transport system. But the full life cycle of electric vehicles needs to be considered in order to avoid creating resource issues while trying to achieve the necessary climate goals.

    • Jessika Luth Richter
  • Autonomous vehicles are not a panacea for the issues that currently plague transportation systems. Smart policies — which are flexible enough to deal with emerging technologies — are required to help cities and states realize the benefits of these vehicles.

    • Matthew D. Dean
    • Kara Kockelman