Research Briefing in 2023

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  • Transformer methods are revolutionizing how computers process human language. Exploiting the structural similarity between human lives, seen as sequences of events, and natural-language sentences, a transformer method — dubbed life2vec — has been used to create rich vector representations of human lives, from which accurate predictions can be made.

    Research Briefing
  • Using deep learning methods to study gene regulation has become popular, but designing accessible and customizable software for this purpose remains a challenge. This work introduces a computational toolkit called EUGENe that facilitates the development of end-to-end deep learning workflows in regulatory genomics.

    Research Briefing
  • A pairwise binding comparison network (PBCNet) has been established for predicting the relative binding affinity among congeneric ligands, using a physics-informed graph attention mechanism with a pair of protein pocket-ligand complexes as input. PBCNet shows practical value in guiding structure-based drug lead optimization with speed, precision, and ease-of-use.

    Research Briefing
  • Inspired by the classic lock-and-key model and advances in equivariant deep network design, we present a structure-based drug design model, SurfGen, which uses two types of equivariant graph neural networks to learn on protein surfaces and geometric structures to directly design small-molecule drugs.

    Research Briefing
  • Different cells can have very different three-dimensional morphologies. We present the computational framework u-signal3D that calculates the spatial scales at which molecules are organized on the surfaces of heterogeneously shaped cells, enabling high-throughput analyses and subsequent machine learning applications.

    Research Briefing
  • Graph neural networks (GNNs) present a promising route for machine learning of solid-state materials’ properties, but methods capable of directly predicting defect properties from ideal, defect-free structures are needed. A GNN developed for direct defect property predictions enables high-throughput screening of redox-active oxides for energy applications and beyond.

    Research Briefing
  • The dissipation and bending of light waves by atmospheric turbulence adversely affects infrared imaging, leading to grayscale drift, distortion, and blurring. A deep learning method has been developed to both extract the two-dimensional atmospheric turbulence strength fields and obtain clear and stable images from turbulence-distorted infrared images.

    Research Briefing
  • Increasing the number of parameters in a quantum neural network leads to a computational ‘phase transition’, beyond which training the network becomes significantly easier. An algebraic theory has been developed for this overparametrization phenomenon and predicts its onset above a certain parameter threshold.

    Research Briefing
  • GRAPE is a software resource for graph processing, learning and embedding that is orders of magnitude faster than existing state-of-the-art libraries. GRAPE can quickly process real-world graphs with millions of nodes and billions of edges, enabling complex graph analyses and research in graph-based machine learning and in diverse disciplines.

    Research Briefing
  • By conducting single-cell meta-analyses of inflammatory bowel disease, we identify rare or less-characterized cell subtypes linked to GWAS risk genes and therapeutic targets and dissect the commonalities and differences between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Consequently, we present an interactive and user-friendly platform for the research community.

    Research Briefing
  • We often encounter mental conflict in our lives. Such mental conflict has long been regarded as subjective. However, a machine learning method can be used to quantify the temporal dynamics of conflict between reward and curiosity from behavioral time-series.

    Research Briefing
  • A graph neural network — GAME-Net — has been developed to predict the adsorption energy of organic molecules on metal surfaces, which is a key descriptor of heterogeneous catalytic activity. This method allows for the study of large molecules derived from raw materials such as plastic waste, avoiding the use of costly and time-intensive first-principles simulations.

    Research Briefing
  • A rotational and time-reversal equivariant neural network designed to represent the spin–orbital density functional theory Hamiltonian as a function of the atomic and magnetic structure enables ab initio electronic-structure calculations of magnetic superstructures. These calculations can efficiently and accurately predict subtle magnetic effects in various chemical environments.

    Research Briefing
  • This work involved the design of a multi-view manifold learning algorithm that capitalizes on various types of structure in high-dimensional time-series data to model dynamic signals in low dimensions. The resulting embeddings of human functional brain imaging data unveil trajectories through brain states that predict cognitive processing during diverse experimental tasks.

    Research Briefing
  • We present a computational method to generate a single-cell-resolution model of human brain regions starting from microscopy images. The developed method has been benchmarked to reconstruct the CA1 region of a right human hippocampus, including anatomical cell organization, connectivity, and network activity.

    Research Briefing
  • We propose a minimal and analytically tractable class of neural networks, the adaptive Ising class. By inferring the model’s parameters from resting-state brain activity recordings, we show that scale-specific oscillations and scale-free avalanches can coexist in resting brains close to a non-equilibrium critical point at the onset of self-sustained oscillations.

    Research Briefing
  • Determining whether a drug candidate has sufficient affinity to its target is a critical part of drug development. A purely physics-based computational method was developed that uses non-equilibrium statistical mechanics approaches alongside molecular dynamics simulations. This technique could enable researchers to accurately estimate the binding affinities of potential drug candidates.

    Research Briefing