Research articles

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  • The EDGES team reported a measurement of the redshifted 21 cm absorption line of neutral hydrogen from the cosmic dawn. However, the SARAS 3 measurement of the radio sky spectrum now suggests that the EDGES detection might not have a cosmological source.

    • Saurabh Singh
    • Jishnu Nambissan T.
    • Mayuri Sathyanarayana Rao
  • Very early observations of a type Ia supernova—from within one hour of explosion—show a red colour that develops and rapidly disappears. These data provide information on the initial explosion mechanism: surface nuclear burning on the white dwarf or extreme mixing of the nuclear burning process.

    • Yuan Qi Ni
    • Dae-Sik Moon
    • Sheng Yang
  • Using common interstellar chemical species (CO, C and NH3), the authors show that peptides can be experimentally synthesized on a solid surface under interstellar conditions. The formation route circumvents the creation of amino acids in the pathway towards proteins.

    • S. A. Krasnokutski
    • K.-J. Chuang
    • Th. Henning
    ArticleOpen Access
  • A young and low-energy radio jet has cleared a substantial amount of gas from the central region of galaxy B2 0258+35, demonstrating the effectiveness of kiloparsec-scale feedback from radio-loud active galactic nuclei and supporting the predictions of simulations.

    • Suma Murthy
    • Raffaella Morganti
    • Geoffrey Bicknell
  • A method to measure the complexity of planetary signals from remote-sensing observations is presented. Tests using Earth observations point to a correlation between increasing complexity and the presence of an extensive biosphere, showing the potential of this agnostic method to identify promising targets for life.

    • Stuart Bartlett
    • Jiazheng Li
    • Yuk L. Yung
  • A 4.8σ exomoon candidate is found around gas giant Kepler-1708 b, which orbits at 1.6 au around its star. It is the only candidate from a dedicated survey that analysed 70 cool giant exoplanets discovered by Kepler. Kepler-1708 b-i has a radius of 2.6 Earth radii and orbits its planet at 12 planetary radii.

    • David Kipping
    • Steve Bryson
    • Alex Teachey
    ArticleOpen Access