Figure 6 - Response of a vagal distention-sensitive afferent fiber to graded esophageal distention (ED) before and after acid infusion.

From the following article

Esophageal sensory physiology

Jyoti N. Sengupta

GI Motility online (2006)



Fibers exhibited slowly adapting response to phasic ED. The receptive field of the fiber was located in the midthoracic esophagus. In each panel, the top trace represents firing frequency of the fiber and the bottom trace is ED pressure (5–80 mmHg). a: Response of the fiber to graded ED before acid infusion. b: Progressive increase in spontaneous firing of the fiber during and after acid infusion. The horizontal bar indicates the duration (4 minutes) of acid infusion. c: Response of the fiber to graded ED after acid infusion. imps, impulses. (Source: Medda et al.,71 with permission from Elsevier.)

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