
New Targets for Cancer Therapy: Minireview Reprints Collection

The minireviews programme was launched in British Journal of Cancer in 2002. Their aim is to provide short, accessible reviews on the most current topics. The topics covered are broad ranging and reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the journal - from clinical studies and epidemiology, to translational therapeutics and molecular diagnostics, as well as genetics and genomics.

This reprints collection is a showcase for some of the most cited of the recent minireviews in the field of new targets for cancer therapy. This collection focuses on a few key pathways and targets: the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) pathway, mTOR signalling, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway, epigenetics and microRNAs.

We hope you enjoy this short collection and continue to look out for the exciting range of minireviews we have scheduled for the coming months.

