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  • Ruth Doherty, Senior Managing Editor of the BDJ, interviews BDA President, Peter Dyer. Peter graduated in dentistry from the Royal Dental Hospital in 1979 and then qualified in medicine from University College Hospital, London in 1988. He was appointed consultant in oral and maxillofacial surgery to the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust in 1998 with a special interest in trauma and orthognathics. As Chair of the Central Committee for Hospital Dental Services Peter was highly involved in the industrial action taken by trainee hospital dentists in 2016.

    • Ruth Doherty
  • Jonathan Lewney, Associate Editor for the BDJ Portfolio, interviews Professor Paula Moynihan. Paula is Professor of Nutrition & Oral Health at Newcastle University School of Dental Sciences, Director of Newcastle University Centre for Oral Health Research, and Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Oral Health. In December 2016, Paula was elected Vice-President of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR), which means she will become IADR President in 2019.

    • Jonathan Lewney
  • Dr Christopher Longbottom is Assistant Director of the Dental Innovation and Translation Centre (DITC), King's College London, where he helps develop technology applications for clinical use, principally in dentistry. He has been involved in the application of optical, electrical and ultrasound methodologies to caries detection, dental erosion detection, and monitoring of the developing occlusion. Chris graduated from Dundee in 1971 and after working in general practice, spent 13 years in the Community Dental Service before teaching paediatric dentistry at Dundee as a Senior Lecturer until 2012, after which he moved to King's to help set up the DITC with Nigel Pitts.

    • Kate Quinlan