Do you have patients who grind their teeth? Do you encourage them to wear a mouth guard? Do you suggest they use an electric toothbrush? Do they appear to have high levels of self-reported stress?

If this sounds like a conversation you have with patients, then the Bruxbrush is for you.

Credit: © Composites. ImagesBazaar/ImagesBazaar; PM Images/Iconica/Getty; Nerthuz; DonNichols; galitskaya; Vik_Y//iStock; Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Lightwavemedia; andresr/E+; /Getty Images Plus

The world-leading technology harnesses the energy a patient's mouth produces in a specially designed mouthguard that can then be used to charge up their electric toothbrush. It comes with a carry case and USB connection, designed to make the most of long and tedious car journeys.

Several studies have shown that one eight-hour sleep session with 73.2% of that involving teeth-grinding can charge an electric toothbrush for up to one hour. Tests have shown that the Bruxbrush can be used in the patient's place of work. If the patient has an irritable colleague, a long meeting or a stressful day at work, tests highlighted a significantly increased energy production delivered to the mouthguard.

Get your grinding patients going today!


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This content has been created for the entertainment of readers in the spirit of seasonal good humour and, on the whole, possesses not an ounce of truth. All persons, products, URLs and email addresses mentioned have been invented by the BDJ Editorial Team.