Brand new from oral healthcare specialist Curaprox is the perfect pocket minimiser for the treatment of chronic and aggressive periodontitis.

Adjusan combines the active ingredient doxycycline with a novel design for easy subgingival application, high tolerability and optimum efficiency.

The effective and uncomplicated single administration is easily applied via the practical cylinder cartridge. The local antibiotic has the ability to kill key microorganisms whilst remaining safe for the patient, as systemic exposure to doxycycline is minimal.

The most impressive characteristic of Adjusan is its innovative gel-like consistency. The initial flowable form allows you to reach the deep areas of the periodontal pocket, remaining in place as its viscosity increases in the aqueous environment. The active ingredient is released continuously at a sufficiently high concentration over 12 days, enabling pocket depth to be reduced and the attachment level to be enhanced.

Adjusan is also biodegradable to glycolic acid and lactic acid so there is no need for removal following treatment.

Take action against periodontitis gently but resolutely – contact the knowledgeable team at Curaprox today to find out more on 01480 862084 or visit