Correction to: Spinal Cord advance online publication, 1 November 2011; doi:10.1038/sc.2011.117

Since the publication of the above article, the authors have noticed some errors in this manuscript, namely:

Page 1, 1st column: Under George Riddoch, the first line should not refer to Figures 1 and 2; it should refer to ‘Table 1’.

Page 1, 2nd column: Half way down the paragraph, the title of the paper is incorrect and should read: ‘The automatic bladder, excessive sweating…’, not ‘The autonomic bladder excessive sweating…’

Page 2, 2nd column: Reference 14, which cites Figures 1 and 2 appearing at the top of page 3 should be moved to page 2 and placed after ‘only the systolic pressure was recorded’, in the last paragraph.

Page 6, 1st column: The last paragraph should start with Foerster, not Forester.

The authors would like to apologize for these errors.