Addendum to: Nature Published 24 July 2003

Nature is publishing an editorial expression of concern on the article “Class 3 semaphorins control vascular morphogenesis by inhibiting integrin function” by Serini G. et al. to alert the readership that image integrity issues have been raised with some of the data.

  • Supplementary material Figure 1c (bottom panel): lanes 7 and 10 appear to be duplicated.

  • Supplementary material Figure 1c (bottom panel): lanes 1 and 2 appear to be vertically-shifted duplications of lanes 9 and 10.

  • Supplementary material Figure 1c (bottom panel): lane 5 appears to be a vertically-shifted duplication of lane 8.

  • Supplementary material Figure 1c (middle panel): apparent duplication in background above the bands in lanes 3–8.

  • Supplementary material Figure 1c (top panel): apparent duplication in background above the bands in lanes 3–4.

  • Figure 5: panels f and i for Npn1-DN and PlexA1-DN appear to have multiple overlapping features.

  • Figure 5: panels g and j for Npn1-DN and PlexA1-DN appear to have multiple overlapping features.

The authors have provided original data of the top panel of Supplementary material Figure 1c and repeated the experiments of Supplementary material Figure 1c, obtaining identical results to the original ones. Although we understand that the main results and conclusions have been shown to be reproducible in later studies, in the opinion of the editors the above information should be taken into consideration when interpreting the data presented in this article.

Guido Serini, Donatella Valdembri, Sara Zanivan, Constanze Burkhardt, Luca Zammataro, Luca Primo, Luca Tamagnone, Malcolm Logan, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Masahiko Taniguchi, Andreas W. Püschel and Federico Bussolino agree with the publication of this statement. Giulia Morterra and Francesca Caccavari have not responded to correspondence about this statement.