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Harnessing deep learning for population genetic inference


In population genetics, the emergence of large-scale genomic data for various species and populations has provided new opportunities to understand the evolutionary forces that drive genetic diversity using statistical inference. However, the era of population genomics presents new challenges in analysing the massive amounts of genomes and variants. Deep learning has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance for numerous applications involving large-scale data. Recently, deep learning approaches have gained popularity in population genetics; facilitated by the advent of massive genomic data sets, powerful computational hardware and complex deep learning architectures, they have been used to identify population structure, infer demographic history and investigate natural selection. Here, we introduce common deep learning architectures and provide comprehensive guidelines for implementing deep learning models for population genetic inference. We also discuss current challenges and future directions for applying deep learning in population genetics, focusing on efficiency, robustness and interpretability.

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Fig. 1: Workflow for traditional and machine learning approaches in population genetic inference.
Fig. 2: Common architectures and layers for artificial neural networks.
Fig. 3: Deep generative models.
Fig. 4: Novel architectures and models.
Fig. 5: The implementation workflow.

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The authors are grateful for support from the Life Science Compute Cluster (LiSC) of University of Vienna and feedback from R. N. Gutenkunst. X.H. thanks H.-T. Lin and H.-Y. Lee, who provided extraordinary open courses online for learning machine learning. O.D. and O.L. acknowledge support from the John Templeton Foundation (Id: 62178). O.L. acknowledges CSIC support (Proyecto Intramural I3-2022). M.K. is funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) (10.47379/VRG20001). The authors used ChatGPT with GPT-4 from OpenAI for language editing of the initial draft manuscript.

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X.H., M.K. and O.L. researched the literature and wrote the article. All authors substantially contributed to discussions of the content and reviewed and/or edited the manuscript before submission.

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Correspondence to Xin Huang, Oscar Lao or Martin Kuhlwilm.

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The ratio of the number of correct predictions to the total number of predictions in a data set.


The process in which genetic material from multiple populations merges into a single population.

Adversarial attacks

Techniques that slightly perturb input data and cause machine learning models to make wrong predictions on such manipulated inputs with high confidence.

Approximate Bayesian computation

A statistical inference approach that uses simulation to estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters based on observed data when the exact posterior distribution is intractable, as motivated by Bayes’ theorem.


An optimization algorithm that recursively calculates gradients from the output layer to the input layer based on the chain rule from calculus for updating the parameters of an artificial neural network (ANN).


A metric that measures the performance of machine learning models for classification by comparing the similarity of two probability distributions.

Decision trees

A class of supervised learning algorithms that make predictions by learning and organizing rules into a binary tree-like structure from data.

Domain adaptation

A technique that enables machine learning models trained with data from one domain (source domain) to be adapted and make accurate predictions on data from a different but related domain (target domain).


A technique to regularize artificial neural networks (ANNs) by randomly deactivating neurons during training.

Early stopping

A technique to regularize artificial neural networks (ANNs) by stopping training before reaching the minimum loss on the validation set.

F1 score

A metric that measures the performance of machine learning models for binary classification by calculating the harmonic mean of a given pair of precision and recall.

Game theory

A mathematics discipline that studies strategies of interaction among rational players.

Gated recurrent units

Units similar to long short-term memory but with fewer parameters that improve the performance of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) on long sequences.

Grid search

A technique that optimizes hyperparameters by training and evaluating the model performance on combinations of a predefined set of hyperparameters.

Hidden Markov models

A class of generative models that process sequential data by assuming the observed sequence is generated by a sequence of unobserved random variables independently transiting from the current state to the next state and not depending on all previous states.

Logistic regression

A type of regression that generates binary output ranging from zero to one and can be viewed as a special type of artificial neural network (ANN) composed by a neuron using a sigmoid activation function.

Long short-term memory

A unit that improves the performance of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) on long sequences by deciding whether information should be remembered or forgotten in the neural network along the sequence.

Loss function

A mathematical function that quantifies the difference (that is, loss) between the actual data and the predictions made by a machine learning model.

Markov chain

A sequence of random variables where the future state of a given step only depends on the current state and remains unaffected by all previous states.

Markov chain Monte Carlo

A statistical inference approach for estimating statistical model parameters by gradually approximating the probability distribution of model parameters by simulating a Markov chain of parameter values.

Maximum likelihood estimation

A statistical inference approach for estimating statistical model parameters by finding parameters that can maximize the probability of observed data.


A class of machine learning algorithms that automates the learning process of machine learning algorithms for different tasks.

Mixture models

Probabilistic models that are generated from multiple atomic probability distributions.


The ratio of the number of correctly predicted instances to the total number of instances predicted as belonging to that class by the model in a data set.

Principal component analysis

A technique that reduces the dimensionality of high-dimensional continuous data while keeping most of the information from the data by exploiting linear relationships among the features.

Random search

A technique that optimizes hyperparameters by training and evaluating the model performance on random combinations of hyperparameters from a predefined search space.


The ratio of the number of correctly predicted instances to the total number of instances actually belonging to that class in a data set.

Rectified linear unit

A common activation function that returns the input value if the input value is larger than zero, or returns zero otherwise.


A supervised learning task that makes quantitative predictions from input data.

Saliency maps

Graphical representations that visualize the contributions of each pixel in an image to the predictions made by an artificial neural network (ANN), revealing the regions of the image that significantly influence the decision-making process of the network.

Sequence-to-sequence learning

A machine learning task that involves training models to convert input sequences into corresponding output sequences, which is often used in natural language processing for applications such as machine translation and speech recognition.

Simulated annealing approaches

Optimization methods that iteratively conduct probability solution updates proportional to the number of iterations already performed and the quality of the proposed solution to discover the global optimal solution.

Stochastic gradient descent

An optimization algorithm that iteratively updates parameters in machine learning models by randomly choosing data to calculate the gradients of the loss function.

Structured prediction

A supervised learning task that, unlike traditional classification or regression tasks that usually predict a single entity output, forecasts complex structures within the input data and generates outputs such as sequences, trees and graphs.

Summary statistics

Metrics computed from genetic variants that are informative for an evolutionary parameter of interest.


A set of values of a random variable for which the probabilities are greater than zero with a given probability distribution.


Multidimensional arrays that are generalized from vectors and matrices for organizing high-dimensional data.

Transfer learning

A technique that allows reusing previously trained successful models for one task in other similar tasks.

Weight decay

A technique to regularize machine learning algorithms by penalizing large values in the model parameters through adding a term to the loss function that is proportional to the square of the magnitude of the parameters.

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Huang, X., Rymbekova, A., Dolgova, O. et al. Harnessing deep learning for population genetic inference. Nat Rev Genet 25, 61–78 (2024).

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